January 5, 2016

5 Ways To Make A Happy Customer

5 Ways To Make A Happy Customer

At Endiem, we love our customers. First, they are all nice people, so it’s hard not to love them! Second, our philosophy is to strive for the best relationship possible with all of our customers. What does that mean exactly? It means that we care and want to make them happy. Happy customers lead to smoother implementations, repeat business and better referrals in the future.

Here are five rules we live by so that our relationships will stand the test of time:

1. Treat customers right
We treat our customers with the respect that they deserve. Each is different and we respond accordingly. If an issue arises we take care of it in the best way possible. After all, happy customers who get their issues resolved tell four-to-six people about their good experience!

2. Don’t come on too strong
No one likes to be sold and we respect that trust must be earned. When a customer is comfortable enough to share Endiem is there to listen (see #3). Did you know that 1/3 of consumers experience bad customer service at least once a month? More importantly, 58% tell their friends. No company wants to be part of a bad service story, especially us.

3. Listen
When our customers talk we open our ears. We take specific, actionable notes to remember all the important details. It’s important to be heard and we make sure to hear our customers loud and clear.

4. Delight, delight, delight
Even after courtship, our customers are valued and delighted. The marketplace has many Salesforce consultants. We always keep that in mind and never take customers for granted. An unhappy customer has every right to leave.

5. Partners, not strangers
Our customer relationships are just that — relationships. It’s a give and take, and we engage in every step of the process. Customer opinions matter to us and sharing is encouraged.

Everyone wants to be loved and we try hard to make sure all of our nice customers know that we care. Are you ready to start a new long-term Salesforce relationship with Endiem? Give us a call.

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