August 3, 2015

4 reasons why Trailhead is great for Salesforce admins

4 reasons why Trailhead is great for Salesforce admins

Blaze a trail with Trailhead and increase your #AwesomeAdmin skills. Last week, we joined up with the Houston User Group at the Annual Ice Cream Social and dove into Trailhead together.

Trailhead was announced at Dreamforce 14 as a new way to learn Salesforce. The platform is an “interactive learning path through the basic building blocks of the Salesforce1 Platform.” Each learning path is a “trail” and then tests your knowledge. Plus, you’ll earn points and badges to show off your hard work.

Trails are designed for either Admins or Developers. Trails can be chosen based on your own needs and capabilities. If you are an Admin, and you haven’t used Trailhead, here are four reasons why you should start today:

1. It’s fun
Trails are designed to be guided, interactive and fun! The material is presented in a logical sequence, so it’s easy to follow. The format is engaging, and you’ll get hands-on practice.

2. It’s fast
Trails will quickly cut your learning curve as an admin. Each offers quick, systematically arranged modules to be completed in Salesforce. And because you’ll see your point totals along the way, you’ll be motivated to finish as fast as you can.

3. It’s challenging
Challenges are aptly named. Each will hold you accountable to what you’ve learned. They take about 30 minutes each to complete and get progressively harder. Doesn’t it feel good to accomplish something?

4. It’s free
Did we mention Trailhead is free? It’s one of the best online resources to learn Salesforce and users would easily pay for such a high-quality course.

Have we convinced you? Admins, use Trailhead to have great time learning and earning badges. Check it out and get the Salesforce ball rolling.

Salesforce problems more than Trailhead can handle? Give Endiem a call.

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