October 30, 2020

Isn’t it time you cleared out the cobwebs in your Salesforce org?

Isn’t it time you cleared out the cobwebs in your Salesforce org?

Check out the Elements.cloud Org Assessment this Halloween

Spooky season is here and nothing strikes fear in our heart quite like a Salesforce horror story. No one knows that better than Elements.cloud, curators of OrgConfessions.com, an anonymous catalog of true technology terror.

Ian Gotts, Elements.cloud Founder and CEO, has read all 1,000+ real life confessions, and not only has it turned his hair completely white but, more importantly, it’s given him a unique insight into exactly where the ghosts are getting into the machine.

“We know that the top 3 root causes of horror in Salesforce Orgs are Business Analysis, Architecture, and Documentation. Orgs are getting more complex and the scope of Salesforce is becoming broader. We need to find ways to understand quickly what’s working well on the platform and where investment is needed.”

Luckily help is at hand, in the form of the Elements.cloud Org Assessment. 

This free survey tool allows you to quickly measure the maturity of your Salesforce implementation cycle, understand what is working well, and where you need to focus some more attention. It takes about 20-30 mins to run through the questions, and the output is an instant assessment report on the maturity of your Salesforce Org.

Not only will you get a fully customised report based on your overall score, but you will also get tailored links to helpful 3rd party resources designed to get you back on track. Equally, use the report as the basis of making your business case for additional Salesforce investment.

Here’s our assessment report from Endiem, in the form of this spider diagram.

We ‘may’ have added the spider...

With a score of 8.9 out of 10, as you can see there are no skeletons in our closet, as you would hope from your Salesforce Consulting Partner! There is always room for improvement though, and with this clear and practical report, we now have a chance to clean out any cobwebs as a result.

Face your fears this Halloween

You have nothing to fear but fear itself. Take the test and see where you need to focus your attention and leave the freaky customisation stuff to Dr. Frankenstein. Of course, if you’d like to talk to Endiem about how we can help you achieve your goals with Salesforce, then we would love to help you. Happy Halloween!

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