September 24, 2019

Data Can Be Complicated - Start With A Migration Plan!

Data Can Be Complicated - Start With A Migration Plan!

At Endiem everyone goes to data jail! If you're an experienced Admin, you know how it feels to be "serving time" with your data—it’s no fun scrubbing and moving data, but the job has to be done.

In it’s most simplistic form, data migration consists of the modification of data and transmitting it from one storage location to another. For example, moving contact data from Outlook to Salesforce or related Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities from one Salesforce org to another. Some data migrations are more complex than others, but in the end, we like to say, “it’s just data." We can think of it as “just data” because we have a methodology and a process to make it happen. 

Here are the common steps to any data migration:

If your organization has data migrations planned in the near future, take some time to ensure that you have a well-thought-out plan to seamlessly execute. When all is said and done, data is one of the most strategic assets you have—do not fall victim to the typical pitfalls.

Be sure to start thinking about the various challenges that could be encountered, how to tackle them, and when to call in the cavalry. We’re here to help with those data migration projects that are just too hairy to tackle, so reach out!

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