June 13, 2017

Dell Boomi Offers Salesforce Admins Integration Nirvana

Dell Boomi Offers Salesforce Admins Integration Nirvana

Every business can relate to the need to connect data from multiple apps and while data management isn’t always the sexiest topic to discuss but it is a daily reality and a frequent struggle for organizations.

Dell Boomi offers a seductively simple solution for smart data management that doesn’t need high-level development skills to implement and Dell Boomi customers enjoy an outstanding number of integration opportunities, as well as fewer data discrepancies and better data quality between previously disparate systems. Recently, Geraldine Gray sat down with Michael Corkery, Dell Boomi VP of Sales and Development, for an engaging App Mavericks interview.

Here’s what she learned:

Although technology solutions are assumed to be “in the cloud” the reality is that many companies offer only pieces of their technology solutions on the cloud. Meanwhile, Dell Boomi offers 100% native cloud-based capability and delivers serious competitive advantages when it comes to scalability and seamless operation between integrated apps.

Easy, accessible capabilities

Dell Boomi is a stand-out when it comes to its breadth of connectors. The tool has over 100 branded connectors. The user-friendly interface facilitates connections between Data Point A and Data Point B with zero coding.

Harness the power of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) doesn’t always feel within reach and it’s often assumed that only huge tech companies can enjoy the benefits that come with industry-specific AI capabilities, however, with Dell Boomi, AI suddenly becomes not only attainable for most companies but it instantly helpful, deployable and usable. The onboard AI tool assess complex relationships between integrations, apps and data sources to offer best practices and smart decision making functionality immediately.

Customer success for everyone

The greatest testaments to the success of Dell Boomi is their number of customers (5000+) and their industry variety. Customers of all sizes have been able to take advantage of Dell Boomi’s offerings from those who use Quickbooks to those with large, complex data issues such as Dell’s recent merger with EMC. The integration team was able to efficiently and effectively merge millions of records in just two weeks.

Let’s get integrated!

Powerful tools and agile systems are great but a fantastic team is even better. Let us lend you our expertise and experience for your next Salesforce project. We are ready to wow you - reach out to learn more.

Check out the 5 minute App Mavericks video with Michael Corkery and Geraldine Gray: 

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