January 14, 2016

Happy 10th Birthday, AppExchange!

Happy 10th Birthday, AppExchange!

Today we’re celebrating ten years of the AppExchange! Follow all the fun today with #appexchange10. The AppExchange has hit double digits but its age isn’t the most impressive stat. Since its launch the platform has grown to include almost 3,000 apps and 3.5 million installs. We’ve been downloading Salesforce apps to our heart’s content!

It feels like only yesterday, but here’s what was happening in 2006 tech (a full year before the iPhone was released!):

Throughout the AppExchange years, there is one app that stands out as one of the biggest game changers for Endiem: TaskRay. It’s a modern project management app that’s made the most impact for us and for our clients. Managing projects from start to finish is a breeze and it’s helped us to launch and complete projects in lighting-fast speed. (Speaking of lightning, they’re Lighting-ready to boot!)

In 2006 when TaskRay was a twinkle in Bracket Labs’ eyes project management meant emailing spreadsheets back and forth and endless conference calls for status updates. Managing several projects with the same go-live date was next to impossible. With Taskray here’s what projects look like:

Project-related Google sheets are automatically populated via templates and multiple projects with simultaneous go-live dates are populated with pertinent checklists and timelines.

Open Communications
Clients and team members have visibility and transparency. Project statuses are always available and workloads are transparent so everyone knows what’s going and what’s due when.

Streamlined Processes
TaskRay is native to the platform and utilizes drag and drop actions so handling multiple projects is a breeze.

Endiem has mostly used TaskRay in two ways. First, we have project management templates that include all instructions, project steps and task checklists. This makes it hard to skip steps or for items to fall through the cracks. Of course, not all projects are that straightforward and so a second way we use TaskRay is by changing our templates on the fly to suit each project. Easy peasy.

If you’re still project managing on spreadsheets, do yourself (and your team) a favor. Get TaskRay and simplify your life.

Need help setting up your Salesforce with TaskRay? Give us a ring.

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