January 22, 2021

Integrate QuotaPath with Salesforce & keep track of your sales team attainment

Integrate QuotaPath with Salesforce & keep track of your sales team attainment

Is your commission-based business suffering from messy data, heavy admin burdens, and unclear tracking? Integrating this end-to-end compensation solution with Salesforce may be the solution for you. QuotaPath is a commission tracking tool, built by salespeople for salespeople and is an easy to use and elegant solution to an over-complicated problem.

QuotaPath’s Co-Founder, AJ Bruno, explains where he could see there was a clear need for this solution:

“Before Quotapath, there were no companies that were trying to solve pain points around compensation plans and tracking commission for sales teams. I fundamentally believe that a large portion of this problem revolves around transparency in compensation for the individual contributor. More precisely, motivational goal tracking is so key to the success of reps and managers that it needs to be a driver that is top of mind. QuotaPath does just this for all types of teams, big and small.”

Let’s take a look at some of the Quotapath product features that could help your commissioned-based business.

  1. Commission Tracking

The commission tracking feature is a no-nonsense way for you and your team to track your commissions in real-time. By making this a fully transparent process, everyone is looking at the same data. That means across the board; there’s no confusion about how much each individual is making. What’s more, individuals can use the deal by deal tracking view to see exactly which opportunities are paying the most commission.

  1. Admin Controls

This feature gives the person in charge of commissions a central place to manage commissions, increase team collaboration, and deliver results. They also have the ability to build standardized compensation plans and assign them to the right reps. They have administrative control over who can access plans and timeframes.

  1. My Path

My Path gives sales reps a personal page to track their entire sales career in one spot. Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals are all here, plus a clear view of their calendar and to-do list. But more than that, there is also a personal and professional goal tracker and even a career earnings tool to show total earnings visually. Want to add some cute personalization to your My Path feed, maybe a daily motivational aphorism? Not a problem; there’s a range of widgets to choose from.

The real benefits come, however, when you integrate all of these great features with Salesforce.

Integrating QuotaPath with Salesforce is going to allow for a single source of truth with both attainment and earnings in one view, eliminating duplicate entries in multiple systems. Employees across all levels see the same data in the same place, and this all saves everyone time and generates more money.

If you’re looking for a simple, easy-to-use commission tracking tool that will work with your existing Salesforce setup, look no further than Quotapath. If you want to get started with Quotapath as part of your sales process optimization, give us a call!

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