September 17, 2013

Integration Matters

Integration Matters

Integration rocks!

You need an integration experience; a data nirvana that is a business necessity. You want employees to save time and give accurate updates to your customers and you want to deliver a great experience to those customers so it’s critical that your key data is in one place and you have a 360-degree view of all your customer-facing activities regardless of system. So instead of forcing users to look in multiple systems for data and piece the customer story together just add integration to your Salesforce arsenal.

Rock user and customer experiences
Implementing integration across your multiple databases means that:

  • All users can see and update data across multiple systems
  • Marketeers can sync product catalogs with product availability
  • Inside Sales users can connect giant lead databases to sales funnels and campaigns
  • Sales Managers can trigger opportunities won to create orders and invoices in your ERP
  • Account Managers can view invoice/payment info from financials to drive business decisions

Having your key data in one place will enable Salesforce users to deliver better service, faster and will enable executives to realize the company goal of having fully integrated and synchronized customer information across businesses processes and databases.

You’ll need a data switching kit
In order to get your disparate systems to talk to each other you’ll need some sort of integration middleware. It’s exactly what it sounds like – a cloud-based tool that sits between your database(s) of record and your Salesforce environment and connects them in order to share the data. There are many options but the easiest and most popular is definitely the point-n-click kind that can be implemented without too much fuss and can be managed in-house once they’ve been set up. Jitterbit, Skyvva and Boomi all work well with Salesforce and won’t break the bank for small-to-medium integration needs. If you have hundreds of users and more complex data requirements or business processes then you’ll need a tool such as Cast Iron for really heavy lifting or Infomatica which allows you to start small, scale quickly and realize great results and provides data integration, quality and governance in one neat package. Importantly, all of these are still secure, cloud-based solutions which require no on-premise maintenance.

Final Thoughts
Companies get scared of integration as they think it can be $$$$ or too complicated but it is always a win-win because it reduces human error, automates data manipulation processes, provides real-time data sharing, increases Salesforce adoption and improves both reporting accuracy and trust in the system. Ultimately integration saves time and money and what company doesn’t want to do that?

Organizations that take advantage of integration tools value employees’ time and customers’ experiences; they are working strategically; and they are working strategically rather than tactically. If you need help with integration data from multiple sources then contact us but also check out some of the great Salesforce case studies which illustrate how integration can help your organization to concentrate on closing deals and servicing customers instead of hunting for customer storylines. Work Delivered.

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