March 8, 2024

International Women's Day 2024

International Women's Day 2024

Empowering Women in Tech: Celebrating International Women's Day 2024 at Endiem

Today, on International Women's Day 2024, what better day to celebrate the achievements and resilience of our female team members? As a certified Women-Owned Business, we're not only founded and led by a woman (the one and only Geraldine Gray), but the majority of our team are women, each bringing their own strengths to the game. And what a team!

Here are just a few highlights:-

Sunaina's Streamlined Solutions

Sunaina's successful implementation of Formstack is testament to our commitment to operational efficiency. This critical project enhanced our process of sending Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and Master Service Agreements (MSAs) to clients, and showcases our culture of continuous improvement in our services.

Kristen's Consulting Conquests

Kristen has expanded her business impact by transitioning from an in-house role, to join the world of consulting. Embracing the Salesforce ecosystem, she has used this as an opportunity to develop her skills, underlining the importance of a growth mindset.

Tess's Trailblazing Transformation

This year has marked a significant career transition for Tess, moving from CPG Manufacturing to Salesforce Consulting. Achieving double Salesforce certification and leading projects from discovery to implementation, her journey is a success story for women succeeding in traditionally male-dominated fields.

Jamie's Coding Milestones

Jamie hit her second Salesforce certification milestone this year, and celebrated by writing her first Apex trigger! This is one woman who has never shied away from complex technical challenges; quite the reverse, she set her mind to master them and the results speak for themselves.

Britt's Analytical Achievements

Britt started the year strong, with her second Salesforce Certification, and continued her roll by stepping up as lead Business Analyst on an Enterprise-level Salesforce Implementation.

Mary's Leadership Leap

Achieving her goal of becoming a Delivery Director this year, Mary's career journey has spanned various Salesforce roles, equipping her with experience to lead people and projects brilliantly.

Star's Stellar Success

Our Account Director Star delivered a triple whammy in the last 12 months. She closed won our largest client to date, hit our annual sales goal, and secured Endiem's spot in an exclusive accelerator program. She also managed to take her husband to the rugby world cup in France - not a company goal, but still a huge win!

Cecilia's Certification Milestone

Always be learning. Cecilia has committed to continuous development and she is doing just that, gaining her 4th Salesforce Certification as a Salesforce Certified Business Analyst.

This International Women's Day, we want to celebrate the strength, ingenuity, and dedication of our female team members. Their achievements contribute, of course, to Endiem's customers' success. More than that though, they also blaze a trail for all women who want to grow their career in technology. At Endiem, we're committed to fostering an environment where women can thrive and lead in the tech industry. Here's to the women of Endiem and women everywhere delivering growth and success in technology and beyond!

Follow Endiem on LinkedIn if you'd like to keep up to date with news from the world of Salesforce business success.

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