December 4, 2020

Launching our Salesforce Solar Sales Process Assessment

Launching our Salesforce Solar Sales Process Assessment

This week, Endiem has launched a brand new, free service for the solar industry - an expert assessment of current Salesforce Sales Process setup. In the blog, we look at why we think the market needs this service right now and how you can benefit.

If you thought solar was already blazing, then you better brace yourself: 2021 is set to burn even bigger and brighter. The International Energy Report, published this November, forecasts 90% of new electricity generation in 2020 will be renewable. With some industry experts predicting an increase of 35% in the residential solar installation market alone, every part of the value chain can expect to get real busy, real soon.

Are you ready?

Whether hardware supplier, installer, developer, or owner, now is the time to gain market share and take your organization to the next level. The question is, how will you get there ahead of your competitors? The simple truth; with an optimized sales cycle. Organizations that can speed up their sales cycles will have a competitive advantage and successfully scale in the coming years.

It’s time to fix your solar sales process on Salesforce.

The fact is that you already have all the systems capability you need to supercharge your sales process, but you know you could be using Salesforce a whole lot better.

This is where the Salesforce Solar Sales Process Assessment comes in. Based on an expert survey of your existing Salesforce setup, carried out by one of our senior consultants, we will show you exactly where you are currently shining like a sunbeam and where you are still in the shade.

We do this by zeroing in on what we know to be the building blocks of a healthy sales operation:-

Feedback will focus on areas such as your lead qualification process, opportunity evaluation, sales stage process, Salesforce usage metrics, and more besides. In all, you will get an expert assessment report of your Salesforce org against 20 distinct aspects of your current sales process.

One of our expert, qualified Salesforce consultants will carry out the assessment, drawing on their extensive knowledge of the Salesforce platform and the complexities of the solar sales cycle. Even better, this is an entirely free service.

Are you ready to see the light? Let’s get started! Book your assessment today.

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