January 5, 2015

Which Sales Acceleration Tool Is Right For You?

Which Sales Acceleration Tool Is Right For You?


There’s a huge variety of tools on the AppExchange that increase productivity and streamline your business processes within Salesforce. Endiem predicts that 2015 will see the rise of integrated suites of products that help companies drive deals faster and with more predictability.

Diving to the point – what are the qualities or aspects that make an app ideal for speeding up your sales performance and revenue generation within Salesforce? Vital aspects that constitute such an app are:

Two potential sales acceleration apps:
Velocify for Salesforce
Velocify for Salesforce is all about smart selling and pumping up revenue generation. Efficient CRM is one of the biggest barriers for several sales teams, and Velocify for Salesforce comes as a perfect savior here.

Why Velocify might be a good fit:

SAVO CRM Opportunity PRO
SAVO CRM Opportunity PRO empowers businesses to connect with customers, prospects and employees in novel ways. Integrating CRM Opportunity PRO with Salesforce allows organizations to leverage customer data for improving lead conversion, driving high adoption rates and skyrocketing the sales cycle.

Why SAVO might be a good fit:

What’s next?
Companies need to carefully consider and analyze their business requirements before committing to a sales acceleration tool. We often come across customers who’ve implemented a tool that only solved for half their problems and still has many users working outside of the system. Call us before you decide on your sales acceleration tool and Endiem can independently advise you which will be the best fit.

Endiem is a registered Salesforce services partner founded by a Salesforce MVP. We do good work for nice customers – contact us if you’d like to learn more.

Which sales acceleration tool is right for you?

Check them all out on the AppExchange.


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