May 31, 2024

Salesforce AI Starts with Data

Salesforce AI Starts with Data
The AI opportunity 

We are heading into a new world with AI. Over the coming years, even months, we will see organizations that move forward with AI, make great decisions, implement wisely, and see bottom-line boosting efficiencies. They will outpace the competition and succeed. It's not an 'if', it's a 'when', and from what we are seeing among our client-base, the time for action is definitely now.

Key statistics on AI adoption and returns

If you are getting started (we hope you are!) then the place to start is with your data.

Garbage in, garbage out

AI algorithms depend on clean, high-quality data to deliver accurate results and outputs. Incomplete, biased, or inaccurate data can lead to erratic results. At best that will undermine your AI strategy and at worst, could lead to disastrous results, impacting on your credibility. 

Put simply, think of clean data as the fuel for your AI engine. The cleaner the fuel, the smoother and more efficiently your AI runs in Salesforce.

What's the role of Salesforce Data Cloud? 

Salesforce Data Cloud plays a critical role in an organization's AI strategy by effectively acting as your data refinery.

How to get started

There's a lot to consider. Salesforce Data Management is a big topic and it pays to consult an expert from the get-go. We have crafted four starter packages, designed to get your organization started on their AI-powered journey. 

Four packages to get set for Salesforce AI

You can download full details here. 

Why choose Endiem for Data and AI?

When it comes to Salesforce AI, Endiem is a trusted partner. Here's why:

Next steps

Ready to optimize your data for AI? Book your free data strategy intro call today and let's talk about the next steps. 

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