April 23, 2021

Salesforce Experience Cloud for Great Customer Experience

Salesforce Experience Cloud for Great Customer Experience

If you think Salesforce Experience Cloud seems familiar, you would be right! We take a look at the solution-formerly-known-as-Salesforce-Communities, with a focus on how it powers your customer experience.

Experience Cloud is built upon Salesforce’s Customer360 digital experience platform. This product suite enables companies to build content in one place and deliver it anywhere; websites, portals, mobile apps, and storefronts. If that sounds like something you thought Salesforce was already doing, you’re not wrong. Experience cloud is a revamp of Salesforce Communities and was recently announced in union with Digital 360.

In the coming weeks, we will be giving you a breakdown of how to get the most from Salesforce Experience Cloud, with a focus on the three main categories of users: Customers, Employees, and Partners.

Today we’re taking a look at how you can use Salesforce Experience Platform for customers.

Experience cloud, as you would expect, zeroes in on the individual’s digital experience. Using the power of Salesforce along with data insights, this suite is all about enabling businesses to drive engagement with their customers. Here are some examples of the features within Experience Cloud that you can deploy specifically to serve your customers:

With features like this, customers are essentially brought in to be a part of “the team”.

As we begin to explore Salesforce Experience further, you will get a fuller picture of how this platform can serve all aspects of your business. Being able to engage with your customers in a community and have them interact with each other, is going to allow you to innovate and expand based on what’s important to the people you serve.

If you already know you want to implement this platform to grow your business’s digital experience, connect with us, we are ready to help!

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