June 29, 2013

3 Ways to Use Salesforce.com Leads Management

3 Ways to Use Salesforce.com Leads Management

Leads management in Salesforce.com has some powerful features included in your license fees that are often overlooked. We recently worked with two companies who had great self-implementations but were not taking full advantage of native (i.e. free!) leads management features; their stories inspired this post.

Collect Leads From Your Website Into Salesforce Your system can automatically capture important lead information from your website, send it to Salesforce and turn that information into a new lead record using Salesforce web-to-lead. This will save you from having to re-enter data and allow you to start dealing with the prospect’s inquiry immediately.

Once the developer has this code it will take him/her about an hour to add this snippet of code to your website and the next time a prospect makes an inquiry it will be automatically created in Salesforce. Be sure to test it thoroughly – you don’t want to lose leads in error.

Automatically Assign Leads To Users With Assignment Rules Now that Salesforce is creating lead records automatically you want to be sure these are reaching the correct team member immediately; you can do this by setting up some simple lead assignment rules. Example: When a lead arrives from the Contact Us page send to Geraldine Gray

Now when a lead is created from your website it will automatically be assigned to Geraldine.

Set Customer Expectations With An Auto-responder You may choose to have your prospect complete the contact us page and be sent to a thank you landing page or you can choose to create a customized email template which will take their inquiry and let them know what to expect next. This can be done using an auto-responder rule.

Now when a prospect makes an inquiry from your website they will automatically receive a thank you email. We suggest that you go a little further and create a custom email template that suits your business response and includes your business letterhead so that the prospect receives a branded experience and, of course, be sure to test this out several times.

Final Thoughts Lead management is a powerful tool that can help you enhance your customer’s experience from their first point of contact with your company so it makes sense to ensure this is professional and provides a closed loop between your company and your future customer. If you need help please contact Endiem – polishing your lead process may seem intimidating at first but we’ll have you up and running in no time at all.

Further resources: Salesforce: Getting The Most From Your Leadsis an official cheat sheet giving an overview of leads. Salesforce: Sales Cloud Marketing & Leads demo RingLead Blog: Top Five Salesforce Web-to-Lead Implementation Tips by @michaelforce is a 30min recorded webinar that could help you take your self-implemented web-to-lead process to the next level.

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