February 26, 2021

Supporting Black History Month 2021

Supporting Black History Month 2021

Endiem honors Black History Month with two charitable donations.

2020 was a pivotal year for racial justice across the globe. This February, the traditional month-long observance of Black History Month in the US and Canada, seems more vital than ever before as we strive for a more inclusive and equal society.

Endiem would like to demonstrate its commitment to celebrating the achievements of African Americans with charitable donations to two causes we especially admire.

Kids Meals Inc

1 in 4 kids in Houston lives in food-insecure conditions. Kids Meals Inc. is a Houston-based charity with a mission is to provide healthy meals and grocery bags to children under the age of 6, who will not currently have access to free school meals. Endiem has donated $1,000.

Blue Triangle Quilt Guild

In honor of the African American quilting heritage and traditions that the Guild brings to the present, we will be donating $1,000 to this not-for-profit organization.

If you would like to learn more about the significance of Black History month in 2021, take a look at this post from Lola Banjo, President of BOLDforce, a Leadership & Development organization with the goal to expand and empower the Salesforce black community.

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