February 12, 2021

Talking Salesforce for Solar on the SunCast Podcast

Talking Salesforce for Solar on the SunCast Podcast

Do you want to know whether Salesforce is the right choice for your solar business? How do you know when it’s time to bring in some Salesforce expertise, and what’s the best way to evaluate the right partner or consultant? And importantly, what will Salesforce (really) cost you when all’s said and done?

These are just some of the questions that Geraldine answers on the SunCast podcast, chatting with host Nico Johnson.

“You shouldn’t have to worry about your Salesforce project. That’s your partner’s problem to worry about your Salesforce project.”
Geraldine Gray

If you are part of the energy industry, transitioning from O&G or born solar, then you will have been in the position of making some choices around the right technology platform to power your business. Over the next 35 minutes, you’ll get a chance to hear the low down from one of Salesforce’s longest-serving members of the elite MVP squad. Geraldine tells the truth about making your projects successful, the red flags, and why you need the right partner to trust with your business.

You will also get insider tips on the four apps that Endiem considers their secret weapons and roll out on every project.

If you want to get your own Salesforce assessment report for your solar business, we are currently offering this as a free service for a limited time. Find out more here.

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