January 11, 2016

What you need to know about Salesforce Shield

What you need to know about Salesforce Shield

It’s getting harder and harder to say no to the cloud, even for data-sensitive industries such as financial services, healthcare and the public sector. These organizations are constantly grappling with updates to comply with new requirements and keeping their data safe at the same time. Fortunately, Salesforce has been hard at work to ensure the highest level of data protection for their customers through Trust Services.

Trust Services offers what most customers need, but some companies in regulated industries need compliance that goes further. Salesforce introduced Salesforce Shield for extra control to meet internal and regulatory compliance for those in financial services, healthcare and the public sector. Salesforce Shield offers a powerful set of tools:

Field Audit Trail
Gone are the days of digging through masses of data to get to bottom of what happened in the past. With this service, an audit trail can be automatically created to give forensics with up to 10 years of history. It’s like a time machine without the need for a flux capacitor.

Platform Encryption
It’s a no-brainer that security is important in today’s cloud environment. However, performance shouldn’t be sacrificed to keep data secure. Salesforce Shield protects sensitive data without locking up business functionality.

Event Monitoring
Perhaps the most important tool in Salesforce Shield, Event Monitoring gives unprecedented visibility into Salesforce apps. See who’s accessing critical data, from what IP address and what actions are being taken with that data. Customers can even track when someone prints a page or exports account data.

Need Salesforce Shield but don’t know how to get started or interpret your results? That’s where FairWarning for Salesforce can help. They’ve partnered up with Salesforce to offer a solution that turns Event Monitoring data into human readable text. FairWarning enables business users to easily interpret and gain insights from event log data.

Key ways the FairWarning app can help data-sensitive industries such as financial services:

Departing employee: Get notified immediately if anyone exports confidential information.
Usage and Adoption: Monitor whether or not employees are using Salesforce.
Performance monitoring: Gain insight into how employees are using Salesforce and if it’s being used correctly.

Want to learn more about FairWarning for Salesforce? Sign up for the January 14 Executive Series webinar where they will demonstrate the platform for data security and compliance.

Need a helping hand to get your Salesforce Shield on lockdown? Drop us a line.

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