September 17, 2018

What I Learned From Trailhead And Beyond - Part 1

What I Learned From Trailhead And Beyond - Part 1

The start of Something exciting...

Let me give you the lay of the land, I’m new to Endiem AND I’m new to Salesforce.  I heard about Endiem at a Houston User Group. I went to the User Group to figure out what this cloud-based software called Salesforce was and what I need to do to learn more about it.  I was directed to Endiem to inquire about training, I got a coffee date and an offer to join the team as a Project Coordinator. This blog series is about what I’ve learned Day 1 - 90.

Day 1

The first day at the office was very hands-on, beginning with peer-review of proposals and partaking in a couple of meetings. Certain things stood out to me, which I believe will be an integral part of my success, some of which are:

Everything about Endiem, from culture to team members, has made my first day on the job very pleasant. As if not enough, ALL my bosses are women! I know for sure I am in the right company and starting on a new and exciting path towards being a Salesforce Consultant.

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