July 23, 2021

Choosing the right Salesforce Strategic Partner

Choosing the right Salesforce Strategic Partner

Last week we blogged about ways in which a Salesforce Strategic Partner will bring value to your organization. However, not all partners are created equal. With so many partners out there to choose from, getting the right fit is vital to drive maximum value from the relationship.

In this post, we take a look at the most essential points to consider when selecting the right partner to fit in with your people, your sector, and your Salesforce use case.

Let’s take a look.

Quantifiable results are very important. Ask for evidence of measurable success with other organizations. A solid Salesforce provider can back up their claims with facts and documented success stories from reputable clients.

A good technology partner not only has years of experience in helping clients achieve their business goals, but they also have the certifications to back up their technical expertise. Your Strategic Partner should hold up-to-date Salesforce certifications relevant to your use case.

A great partner provides excellent support, and that extends well past responding to the ‘help, it’s broken’ call. Your partner should provide advice on how you can maximize your Salesforce investment. They should offer you training, webinars, and events customized to your Salesforce needs and wants. Bonus points if you have access to all of these through one dedicated Account Executive.

Company culture plays a big part in the fit of the partnership. Culture includes communication style, level of formality, expectations for documentation, and more. You need to be confident that their people will work well with yours.

An exceptional partner understands that your Salesforce Org needs to keep pace with your business as it evolves. Your expectations of how your partnership should grow past the first project should be clear, and the prospective partner should be on the same page. You’re going to invest time, effort, and money, so you deserve options. Make sure your partner isn’t just trying to sell you a big, pricey project here and now. Instead, they should be keen to solve your problems in the long term and grow along with you.

When reviewing your options, be sure to ask your prospective partners how they will deliver on all the points above.

If you would like to talk more about where Endiem can deliver value as your Strategic Partner for your Salesforce journey, please get in touch with Marta Alemu, our Salesforce Account Director. Marta can walk you through how we support some of the leading names in energy, construction, manufacturing, and venture capital to get maximum ROI from their investment in Salesforce.

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