March 26, 2020

How Endiem Is Looking After Our Community

How Endiem Is Looking After Our Community

Endiem Extending A Helping Hand 

During this time of uncertainty, the folks here at Endiem want to ensure that our community is taken care of. Our community not only includes everyone in the extended Endiem family, but also the Greater Houston area as a whole. In early 2020 Kids’ Meals was able to expand into a larger facility to accommodate the number of meals they are hoping to distribute citywide. We have decided to double our monthly donation to Kids' Meals this month to help fulfill the unpredictable increase in meals needed all over the city. When Houston schools started to close, there was a large spike in the amount of reported child starvation cases, especially those children who depend on school for their daily meals. It’s been a goal at Endiem to help end child hunger in our city and with the support of everyone at Kids’ Meals, now more than ever, we want to make sure we are doing everything we can to make that goal a reality. 

Kids’ Meals is asking for volunteers as well as accepting monetary donations. Volunteers are what drive this charitable organization, most importantly,  in times of need. You can sign up to be a delivery driver, a volunteer rider, or kitchen help. You can read more about how Kids' Meals is ramping up their efforts during this time here. Find out how you can make a difference at Kids' Meals by going to their website. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how Endiem supports our community, feel free to contact us!

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